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Comparative archaeology

The Comparative Archaeology room presents archaeological or ethnographic objects of foreign origin, from the Palaeolithic to the early Middle Ages, offering a panorama of archaeological cultures from around the world.

Most of the collections entered the museum before the First World War. They are composed of archaeological or ethnographic objects of foreign origin in order to offer the visitor a panorama of archaeological cultures from all over the world and to put the material cultures of the French territory into context.

Along the length of the room, we have chosen to evoke the passage of time (from the Palaeolithic to the beginning of the Middle Ages) and the succession of technical inventions: stone cutting, terracotta work, metallurgy.

Across the width of the room, the geographical zones (Africa, Asia, Near East, Europe, America) are presented opposite each other. This layout highlights the similarities or differences in the evolution of cultures in different regions of the world.

The comparative archaeology room was designed at the beginning of the 20th century by Henri Hubert and Marcel Mauss, who wanted to illustrate the "ethnographic history of Europe and humanity" based on the study of the "total social fact" from the origins of man until the very beginning of the Middle Ages.

Article co-authored by Marcel Mauss and Henri Hubert: "The Outline of a Theory of Magic".


Les objets

Media Name: COMP_MAN63761_R_Vase_Suse.jpg
© RMN-GP. Jean-Gilles Berizzi
Les vases de Suse (Iran)

Suse (Iran) IVe millénaire

Media Name: COMP_MAN77740.c_R_Kom_el-Akhmar.jpg
© RMN-GP. Franck Raux
Statuette féminine d’Égypte prédynastique

Hiérakonpolis (?) (Kôm el-Akhmar, Haute-Égypte). Époque de Nagada II (entre 3 500 et 3 200 environ avant J.-C.).

Media Name: PM_MAN76267bis_TQG_merida.jpg
© RMN-GP.René-Gabriel Ojéda
The Miniature Chariot of Merida
Mérida (Badajoz, Spain) 2nd to 1st centuries BC?
A sort of rectangular platform set on four wheels, this small chariot supports figurines (horseman, wild boar and dog) evoking a boar-hunting scene. These figurines were made through the lost wax process, as were three of the small bells hanging from the back of the platform.As this chariot was discovered many years ago, its archaeological context is unknown, but several indications point to the fact that this object was knowingly buried in fragments. Recent analysis of the metal alloys has shown that some of the original cast elements could date back to the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Based on stylistic analysis on the other hand, other specialists think that the coexistence of genuine Iberian figures with the more realistic style of the animals, indicates a more recent date for this work, which could be one of the last examples of a long series of proto-historic votive chariots in Europe. 
Instrument de musique
Media Name: man84108_lur.jpg
© Photo (C) RMN-Grand Palais (musée d'Archéologie nationale) / Loïc Hamon
Lur du Danemark

Blidstrup (Danemark)

VIIIe-IXe siècles av. J.-C.

Hache votive
Media Name: man89635.jpg
Hache parée de Nouvelle-Guinée

Baliem ou Dani de l'Ouest, Kp Jayawijaya, Papua Barat (Papouasie occidentale, Indonésie), groupe dani

Media Name: comp_casque_apulo-corinthien.jpg
© RMN-Grand Palais
Casque apulo-corinthien (Italie)

Apulie (Italie) IVe siècle av. J.-C.

Media Name: Poignard en bronze
© Photo MAN - V. Go
Poignard de Djönü (Azerbaïdjan)

Djönü (Talyche, Azerbaïdjan)

Âge du Bronze récent, vers 1350-1200 av. J.-C.

Collection Jacques de Morgan

Media Name: Groupe représentant une scène d’accouchement
© MAN - V. GO
Statuettes (Chypre)


VIe siècle av. J.-C.

Collection Colonna-Ceccaldi

plaques funéraires
Media Name: 5001_acdia1012lh_31232.jpg
© MAN - Valorie Gô
Plaques funéraires peintes provenant d’Alexandrie (Egypte)

Alexandrie (Egypte), Hadra, tombe dite « des Mercenaires » (?)

Période hellénistique, IIIe siècle av. J.-C.

Media Name: 11-556505.jpg
© RMN-GP (MAN) / Tony Querrec
Outils de mineurs (Laurion, Grèce)

Mines de plomb et d’argent du Laurion (Grèce)

VIe au IIe siècle av. J.-C.


Don d’Alfred Huet en 1879

Media Name: m5001_nu_16_lh_man91577_vue3b.jpg
© MAN / Loïc Hamon
Vases en pierre

Haute Egypte

5000-3500 av. J.-C.

Instrument de musique
Media Name: o_tambour_bronze_archéocomparée.jpg
© MAN/Valorie Gô
Tambour en bronze

Vietnam ou Birmanie ?

XIXe siècle

Statuette d'hippopotame
© RMNGP/MAN/Gérard Blot
Statuette d’hippopotame en terre cuite. Pâte végétale

Toukh (site de Nagada)

Egypte prédynastique, Période Nagada (3900 - 3150 av. J.-C.)

Media Name: o_dogu_face_periode_jomon_archeologie_comparee.jpg
© RMN GP (MAN) - Thierry Le Mage
Figurine néolithique japonaise

Entre 3 500 et 2 500 avant notre ère environ Utsunomiya (Japon)

Carquois en bambou de Malaisie
© Jean-Gilles Berizzi
Carquois de Malaisie


XIXe siècle

Casse-tête huron
© Loïc Hamon
Casse-tête huron

Région des Grands Lacs, Canada

18e siècle ap. J.-C.

Jarre Banshan 76436
© Thierry Le Mage
Deux jarres Banshan

Néolithique, Culture dite de Majiayao (vers 3300 à 2000 av. notre ère), phase Banshan (2700 – 2000 av. notre ère)

Chine, Nord-Ouest, cours supérieur du Fleuve Jaune


Grand masque en sparterie
© GrandPalais RMN / Jean-Gilles Berizzi
Masque baba ou baapa

Baba-Kumbu, Wosera, sud de Maprik,

Province du Sepik oriental (East Sepik Province), Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée

Media Name: Poignard en bronze
© Photo MAN - V. Go
Poignard de Djönü (Azerbaïdjan)

Djönü (Talyche, Azerbaïdjan)

Âge du Bronze récent, vers 1350-1200 av. J.-C.

Collection Jacques de Morgan

Retour de la chasse à l'ours
Retour de la chasse à l'ours - Âge de la pierre polie © GrandPalais RMN / Jean-Gilles Berizzi
Retour d'une chasse à l'ours - Âge de la pierre polie

Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France


Statuette anthromorphe masculine
© GrandPalaisRmn (musée d'Archéologie nationale) / Franck Raux
Statuette anthropomorphe masculine

Sud de la Transcaucasie

Début de l’âge du Fer (vers 1200-1000 avant J.-C.)

Tête de femme coiffée d'un kékryphale : chignon rejeté en arrière, bandeau, diadème à 7 rosettes en relief, cordon autour du cou (pendeloque non conservée), couvre-oreilles en forme de peignes à 4 dents, boucles d'oreilles circulaires à bouton central, restes de pigments rouges au niveau des boucles d'oreilles
© GrandPalaisRmn (MAN) / Tony Querrec
Tête féminine avec un kékryphale


VIe siècle – Seconde moitié du Ve siècle avant J-C

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Manuscrits tamouls

XVIIIe ou XIXe siècle