From the Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic
The Paleolithic is the first and longest period of prehistory. It begins with the appearance of Man, about 2.6 million years ago in Africa and ends around 10,000 years before Christ.
The Paleolithic is the first and longest period of prehistory. It begins with the appearance of Man, about 2.6 million years ago in Africa and ends around 10,000 years before Christ. Humans were nomadic hunter-gatherers, taking advantage of the resources available in nature.
In Europe, the Paleolithic is divided into three sub-periods, corresponding to a biological, technical and cultural evolution.
In Europe, the Paleolithic is divided into three sub-periods, corresponding to a biological, technical and cultural evolution:
- the Lower Paleolithic (from -800,000 to -300,000 years), with Homo erectus. The first stone tools are the carved pebble and the biface. Domestication of fire around - 400 000 years.
- The Middle Paleolithic (from 300,000 to 40,000 years ago), with Neanderthal man.
The main stone tools are flakes, scrapers and points. First burials.
- The Upper Paleolithic (from 40,000 to 10,000 years ago) with Homo sapiens, also called "Cro-Magnon Man". The main stone tools are blades, scrapers and chisels. Appearance of bone and reindeer antler tools and weapons: assegais, harpoons, thrusters... First artistic manifestations.
We speak of cave art for the walls of the caves and furniture art for the objects.
The Paleolithic collections of the National Archaeology Museum are among the richest in the world, especially in the field of furniture art.
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Les objets
Grotte du Pape, (Brassempouy, Landes) Around 21,000 BC.
Abri du Facteur, Tursac (Dordogne)
Paléolithique supérieur, Gravettien, vers – 30 000 ans
Tursac (Dordogne), abri de La Madeleine
Magdalénien récent (entre – 16 000 et – 14 000 ans environ)
Sers (Charente), abri du Roc-de-Sers
Solutréen (entre – 26 000 et – 23 000 ans environ)
Volgu, (Rigny, Saône-et-Loire)
Vers 17 000 av. J.-C.
Alliat (Ariège), grotte de La Vache
Magdalénien final (vers – 13 000 ans)
Le Mas d’Azil (Ariège), grotte du Mas d’Azil
Magdalénien moyen (entre – 18 000 et – 16 000 ans environ)
Alliat (Ariège), grotte de La Vache
Magdalénien récent ou final (entre – 16 000 et – 13 000 ans environ)
Upper Palaeolithic Period Grotte de Chaffaud, (Savigné, Vienne)
Grotte des Espélugues, Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées)
Magdalénien, entre – 18 000 ans et – 11 000 ans environ
Irlande, tourbières, pas de site précis
Fin du Paléolithique (vers – 11 500 ans)
Abbeville (Somme), Quartier Saint-Gilles
Acheuléen (entre – 600 000 et – 300 000 ans environ)
Grotte du Placard à Vilhonneur (Charente) Magdalénien, vers – 15 000 ans
Grotte d’Isturitz, Isturitz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)
Fouilles Passemard
Aurignacien (vers – 35 000 ans)
Grotte du Mas d’Azil (Ariège)
Azilien, vers – 10 000 ans
Vilhonneur (Charente), grotte du Placard
Magdalénien moyen (entre – 18 000 et – 16 000 ans environ)
Angles-sur-l’Anglin (Vienne), abris du Roc-aux-Sorciers
Magdalénien moyen (entre – 18 000 et – 16 000 ans environ)