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The archaeological collections

The museum exhibits around 30,000 archaeological objects, making it one of the largest collections in Europe.
These objects bear witness to human activities from the origins of prehistory (Palaeolithic) to the Carolingian era.

The museum holds more than two million objects in its reserves...


Comparative archaeology

The Comparative Archaeology room presents archaeological or ethnographic objects of foreign origin, from the Palaeolithic to the early Middle Ages, offering a panorama of archaeological cultures from around the world.

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Les vases de Suse (Iran)

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Statuette féminine d’Égypte prédynastique

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The Miniature Chariot of Merida

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Hache parée de Nouvelle-Guinée

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Casque apulo-corinthien (Italie)

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Poignard de Djönü (Azerbaïdjan)

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Statuettes (Chypre)

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Plaques funéraires peintes provenant d’Alexandrie (Egypte)

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Outils de mineurs (Laurion, Grèce)

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Vases en pierre

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Statuette d’hippopotame en terre cuite. Pâte végétale

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Figurine néolithique japonaise

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Carquois de Malaisie

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Casse-tête huron

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Deux jarres Banshan

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Masque baba ou baapa

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Poignard de Djönü (Azerbaïdjan)

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Retour d'une chasse à l'ours - Âge de la pierre polie

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Statuette anthropomorphe masculine

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Tête féminine avec un kékryphale

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Manuscrits tamouls

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