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The archaeological collections

The museum exhibits around 30,000 archaeological objects, making it one of the largest collections in Europe.
These objects bear witness to human activities from the origins of prehistory (Palaeolithic) to the Carolingian era.

The museum holds more than two million objects in its reserves...


From the Palaeolithic to the Mesolithic

The Paleolithic is the first and longest period of prehistory. It begins with the appearance of Man, about 2.6 million years ago in Africa and ends around 10,000 years before Christ.

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The “Lady with the Hood”

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La "Vénus" de Tursac

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The Horse of Lourdes

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Un grand bâton percé gravé de chevaux

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Le bloc au « chasseur chassé » du Roc-de-Sers

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Feuille de laurier

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La "chasse à l’aurochs" de La Vache

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Rondelle perforée

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La "frise des lions" de la grotte de La Vache

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The Hinds of Chaffaud

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Propulseur aux poissons des Espélugues

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Le premier biface de Boucher de Perthes

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Aiguille à chas

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Bâton percé de la grotte du placard

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Le "sorcier" du Roc-aux-Sorciers

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Other collections

L'application ArchéoMAN

The archaeological collections